Communication is important to every negotiation process and the process of divorce is no exception. But do you wonder; should you talk to your spouse during divorce?
The short answer to “How is my business split in a divorce?” is the distribution of assets is evenly divided… with a few exceptions.
May is known as a month of transition, making it especially appropriate to discuss how a family law attorney can ease the process.
Are you part of an engaged couple thinking about getting married? Join the growing trend of searching for a “prenuptial attorney near me.” During the creation of a prenuptial agreement (prenup), attorneys can ease the discussion of asset and debt division. Prenuptial attorneys can also navigate the wide range of details within the area of […]
Sometimes partners or spouses both agree the marriage is over. They have decided who will pay which debts and how to split the assets. There is nothing else but to undo what now seems like one of the worst decisions ever made. The only question they now have is “What is the quickest way to […]
Divorce is a Complex Area of Law Practice There is nothing simple about divorce when there are children and/or assets involved. Because marriage requires no education, no lawyers and no experience, it seems so easy to do. You just get a license and plan the event, like other parties you might host, but a little […]
In this installment we will review the first two steps of Hittelman Family Law Groups six step case process. We will explain why each step is important and necessary, and continue through Steps three and four. When you’re facing a crucial personal issue or event that demands choosing an attorney, like Steve Hittelman and the […]